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Auf die Frage, warum man Book of Ra nun nicht mehr bei MyBet spielen kann, kann man keine eindeutige Antwort geben, eine Entscheidung der Firma Novoline. Dort vertritt man die Auffassung, dass sich die Spiele bei StarGames besser durchgesetzt h盲tten. Trotzdem gibt es keinen Grund zur Sorge, denn es geht trotzdem weiter mit Book of Ra Cheap Chiefs Jerseys , Sizzling Hot & Co. Vor allem eingefleischte Online Gl眉cksspiel Fans werden wohl wenig begeistert sein, wenn sie nun ihr Lieblingsspiel nur in landbasierten Spielhallen finden k枚nnten. Aber keine Sorge, von nun an ist StarGames offiziell der einzige Gl眉cksspielanbieter, der Book of Ra und die tollen anderen Produkte in seinem Portfolio haben darf.
Zwar ist der tolle Slot Book of Ra der ungeschlagene Favorit unter den Novoline Spielen, trotzdem aber brauchen sich alle anderen Slots nicht hinter Book of Ra zu verstecken. Ein paar Spins wert sind auch Dolphin鈥檚 Pearl und Lucky Ladys Charm. Wahre Fans von Book of Ra werden sich sicherlich auch dar眉ber freuen, dass sie nun endlich die M枚glichkeit haben Darwin Thompson Game Jersey , zu welcher Zeit sie wollen zu spielen, denn nun hat man zu Book of Ra rund um die Uhr Zugang, anders als in den landbasierten Spielhallen. Da musste man den Weg nach Hause antreten, wenn die Spielhalle schlie脽en musste. Im Web muss man auf 脰ffnungszeiten nicht achten. Book of Ra kann man bei seinem morgendlichen Kaffee genauso spielen wie sp盲t in der Nacht, wenn man die Lust auf etwas Spannung und Unterhaltung versp眉rt.
A One-Minute Marketing Plan? Marketing Articles | November 29, 2001
Whether you're planning a new site Khalen Saunders Game Jersey , or your site is already up and running, here's some inside information you need toknow...
Web surfing is a fast-paced sport. Some surfers (includingmyself) can hit 10-20 sites in a ten minute span. Yikes!That leaves each site about a minute (and sometimes muchless) to reach three objectives EVERY business websiteshould be after...
1. A unique and positive image2. An irresistible reason to stay past that minute3. A lasting relationship
Here's exactly how you accomplish those objectives in thattiny time frame...
#1: Impress your unique and positive image in your visitors'minds immediately, by showing off an "attractive" home page.
C'mon, "attractive?" What is this a beauty contest?
Well, sort of. You see, a HUGE percentage of visitors judgeyour entire business within those first 10 seconds ofvisiting your site. If they are presented with a handsomepage that loads quickly and looks professional Juan Thornhill Game Jersey , they may becompelled to stick around. (At least long enough to seewhat's in it for them.)
Let me ask you this... How many times have YOU clicked awayfrom a site even before it finished loading? Yeah, that'swhat I thought. Me too. Web surfers looking for something inparticular not only want the right info, they want it fromthe right source. If your site looks like it was designed bya 12 year old, you're in big trouble.
And no, you do not need fancy graphics, java and the like.Just make sure your home page is a place that YOU would beimpressed by. You do this with a professional logo Mecole Hardman Game Jersey , a crisp,fresh look and simple navigation links.
#2: Get right to the point and give your visitors anirresistible reason to stay past that minute...
Be sure the first thing your website displays is a reasonfor visitors to stick around. When someone comes to yoursite it needs to be glaringly obvious how the site can helpthem. Remember, they probably came looking for something inparticular. If they are forced to "search" for how your sitemay help them, it's too late, they're gone.
You can pull this off by displaying a few lines of textprominently, where your visitors will see it right away.
"This site has helped thousands of webmasters design aprofessional website. Come inside and learn how to designyour own site now."
"Do you need advice selecting stocks? Put our 10 years ofexperience to work for you. Browse our past picks andcurrent recommendations."
And my own example which pops up in the first two seconds...
"Anyone can start a home-based business online and earn highincome. I've been doing it since 1996 and I'll show youexactly how -- for free."
#3: Get them onto your opt-in list(s) so that you can form alasting relationship with them...
This is the single most effective way to hang onto yourvisitors. Hey Tyrann Mathieu Game Jersey , getting traffic is tough, don't let visitorsget away without offering to stay in touch. And no, youdon't have to publish a full email newsletter, but offersomething! Here's a great example...
A few years ago I visited a retail site which offered a"monthly specials" email list. Sign-up was free so I took afew seconds and joined. Every month for three years Ireceived their monthly email. Out of 35 or so I received,I probably deleted 30 without even reading them. Yet onemonth I noticed a product I had been looking for, and at theright price Patrick Mahomes Game Jersey , right in the subject line. Guess what? I openedthe message, clicked to the site and bought it. While I wasthere, I also spent $300 on a digital camera.